Why You're Losing Money by Not Using Personality Tests

Personality Inventory

Why You're Losing Money by Not Using Personality Tests If we consider the perception and perspective of the 21st century, what concepts come to mind? Have you ever thought about it? When we look at the big picture, the rapid integration of technology into our lives has forced us to adapt to a developing, transforming, and digital age. The greatest advantage provided by this global transformation is our ability to access information without effort. You might remember the encyclopaedias that competed with newspapers and were prominently displayed in homes towards the end of the 1990s. Information, which is the most valuable resource for us and our lives, used to be obtained by flipping through those encyclopaedias for hours. In today's world, while the encyclopaedias gather dust in the corners of shelves, we can access the information we seek in seconds with just a click. Let's think about it: How valuable and lasting are these pieces of information that we access effortlessly with a click? Especially, although those born in this century are referred to as Generation Z, they are defined as the "internet generation." They were born in a world surrounded by technology. Naturally, they were able to adapt rapidly to these changes and developments. Due to the enormous transformations caused by technological advancements on new generations, companies are trying to predict their competency needs by observing Generation Z. Randstad Workmonitor’s 2014 year-end data also indicated: "65% of current employees believe that Generation Z will be the innovative face of companies."

So, how do these significant changes and transformations affect individuals in the workplace? The struggle to possess evolving skills and competencies is increasingly important in the business world and creates a highly competitive environment among candidates. For organisations that want to predict the future, finding talented and skilled individuals and preparing them for the future has become a top priority. While the ease of acquiring knowledge increases with digitalisation, it also intensifies competition among candidates and makes it more difficult to specialise in a particular field. The advantages and disadvantages brought about by this transformation have made it quite challenging for companies to find the right candidates.

Most organisations struggle to find effective tools and methods to accurately define requirements for target positions. It is observed that some candidates, who are considered to have the potential for the target position, are not effective, while similarly suitable candidates are not able to adequately demonstrate themselves. Especially, the preference of the younger generations to express their emotions and ideas digitally reduces their need for face-to-face communication and isolates them from real-life experiences. Anticipating the potential of candidates during the application process or in the early months of their positions has become a challenging issue for organisations. The Personova Personality Inventory provides constructive guidance to organisations at this very point, increasing hiring success and reducing long term costs.

The term "personality" is used to describe individual differences in behaviour (Réale et al., 2007). If differences are found in the temporally distributed measurements of relevant behaviour, it is stated that a behavioural attribute "exhibits personality" or is a "personality trait" (Mathot & Dingemanse, 2015). The Personova Personality Inventory is based on the widely accepted five-factor personality theory and is prepared without requiring any cultural adaptation study. It examines personality in 6 fundamental dimensions and 31 different sub-dimensions, which encompass the requirements of the ever changing and transforming business world. Its measurement structure allows for the exploration of tendencies in candidates to present themselves differently from who they truly are. It includes skills recognised as necessary in the 21st century, such as collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking, collectively referred to as the 4Cs. These skills provide information about individuals' tendencies for deep learning and problem-solving. Matching the right candidate to the right position has become extremely important for both organisations and individuals. Placing an unsuitable candidate in a target position leads to low job performance, low job commitment, and satisfaction for the individual. High employee turnover also results in cost and time loss for the organisation. To overcome all these disadvantages, Personova, a scientifically developed tool, aims to determine the individual suitable for the job role, enabling them to become high performing stars within the organisation by recognising their strengths and development areas.

For more information on how Personova can aid with predicting performance, and strengthen your business reach out to us for a quick demo at info@baltasinternational.com

Réale, D., Reader, S. M., Sol, D., McDougall, P. T., & Dingemanse, N. J. (2007). Integrating animal temperament within ecology and evolution. Biological Reviews, 82, 291–318.
Mathot, K. J., & Dingemanse, N. J. (2015). Plasticity and personality. In L. B. Martin, C. K. Ghalambor, & H. A. Woods (Eds.), Integrative organismal biology (pp. 55–69). New Jersey: Wiley.


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