Unveiling the Power of Personality: Understand Personova’s Edge in Hiring Success

Kişilik envanteri

What is the basis of the Personova Personality Test you have developed?

We all know the richness of colours in colour catalogues. When we open a Pantone catalogue and look at it, we see an uncountable number of different shades of colours. It should not be forgotten that thousands of different colour tones are produced from three main colours. Personality, in the same way, includes character, that is, socio-cultural interaction and temperament. The diversity of personalities we encounter in our daily lives is also produced from five basic personality factors. While developing Personova, we re-examined the Five Factor Model, which is the most widely used and scientifically supported model in explaining personality traits and decided to measure personality in six basic dimensions by making use of different personality models for the needs of today’s business life. Personova Personality Inventory Test evaluates personality traits according to 6 basic or main dimensions and 31 sub-dimensions. The six main dimensions are: emotional adjustment, cautiousness, achievement orientation, introversion-extroversion, agreeableness and openness.


What is a personality trait?


There are different definitions of different personality traits. But what is common to all these definitions is that they show consistency in changing situations, are long-term tendencies and are assumed to have internal causes.
Here are the definitions of the six primary dimensions measured by

• Emotional Adjustment: Provides information about how well an individual regulates their emotions under pressure and stressful situations. 

• Prudence: Represents the ability to work towards goals, plan and organise tasks, exhibit self-discipline, and maintain precision in one's work. 

• Achievement Orientation: Reflects an individual's self-confidence, leadership potential, and competitiveness. 

• Intra-Extraversion: Indicates an individual's desire to initiate relationships, sociability in social settings, and openness to diversity. 

• V. Agreeableness: Represents an individual's tendency in conflict situations and also reflects their social sensitivity. 

• Openness: Questions an individual's inclination towards approaching issues creatively and holistically. It expresses openness to learning and the desire to diversify one's experiences.

How does Personova differ from other personality scales?

There are two parts to this. One of the key distinguishing features of Personova compared to other personality scales is its cultural adaptability. It is designed to be compatible with any culture. Second distinguishing feature of Personova is that it is a contemporary, reliable, and valid personality assessment tool for the needs of the 21st-century workplace. It offers high reliability and validity while being easy to understand and interpret. In short, Personova does not require cultural adaptation and is the first personality inventory that responds to the competencies and requirements of the current century.


When hiring new employees, why should we consider their personality traits?


Personality traits inevitably influence individuals' job selection, their reactions within a job, and their work productivity. Personality traits play a role in various aspects, including the success of career choices, the effectiveness of training, job satisfaction, performance, compatibility with diverse individuals in the workplace, and alignment with the values of the organisation. Therefore, selecting individuals with suitable personalities for a job is of vital importance and Personova can help significantly with predicting job fit and performance. Personova's name itself reflects this understanding. "Persona" represents the personality, and "Nova" represents the potential for high performance and integration into the culture, ultimately making the individual a star within the organisation.


What predictions can be made about job motivation and job satisfaction based on personality traits?


The relationship between personality traits and job motivation has been relatively under-researched, although there is ample evidence that personality has a significant impact on job motivation and satisfaction, sometimes even more so than job conditions. For example, extraversion has been found to have a positive relationship with job satisfaction. 

Additionally, there is a positive relationship between emotional adjustment and job satisfaction. As emotional adjustment increases, neuroticism tends to decrease. Individuals with lower neuroticism levels are generally calmer, more composed, and less prone to anxiety. On the other hand, individuals with higher neuroticism (lower emotional cohesion) tend to be less satisfied with their jobs because they tend to face more difficulties in coping with life and struggle to control their impulsive reactions.


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