In the age of technology, where technology is developing rapidly and competition is increasing, it is very important to reveal the innovative aspects of employees. At this point, we can answer the question ‘What is innovation?’ that businesses should take into account; differences or improvements in products, services, organisations and business models that create value. You can see in our content how you should follow a path to transform new ideas into value-creating outputs.
“İnovasyon nedir?” konusu basit bir tabirle; kuruluş ya da işletmelerin başarılı bir rekabet süreci yönetmek ve kendilerini pazarda farklı bir yere konumlandırmak için fikirlerini ürün, hizmet ya da süreçlere dönüştürme sürecidir, şeklinde açıklanabilir. Bu bağlamda esas alınabilecek farklı inovasyon türleri vardır. Beş farklı kategoriye ayrılan türleri ise aşağıdaki gibidir:
Although the above items are answers to the question ‘What is innovation?’, this subject is much more comprehensive. In the rest of our content, you can find answers to other questions you wonder about revealing the innovative aspects of employees in the age of technology.
Innovation is much more than ideas that a single mind can produce. It is necessary to think in many ways to develop products, services or organisations. However, teamwork is very important in terms of handling the process in the best way. Businesses can benefit from the creative ideas of their employees by revealing their innovative aspects and can adapt to the innovations required by the age in a short time. In this sense, the basic works that an enterprise should do are as follows:
It is very important to create an organisational climate in which employees can freely share their ideas and are open to criticism. It is also necessary to listen to the ideas of different age groups or those with no experience. In this way, it is also possible for team leaders or managers to be aware of developments that they have not yet noticed. It is important to show that you value the ideas of your employees and not to discourage their enthusiasm even if you do not find their suggestions sufficient, in order to provide an open communication environment. Holding meetings at certain intervals, asking the opinions of each employee before the decisions taken in the company will help to reveal their innovative aspects.
Giving feedback on ideas generated by employees is the best way to show that you value their opinions. Although positive feedback increases their productivity, you should also make negative criticisms. However, while doing this, it will have a more positive effect to make a constructive return such as why the idea was not implemented, how it can improve itself in this regard, how it can think differently.
Workshops, seminars and training programmes have an important place in terms of increasing the knowledge of employees. As a result of the training they receive, they will enjoy presenting their own innovative ideas and it is possible to see the positive effects of the process in the short term.
Although the business divisions are professionally separated in corporate life, it is an important step for employees to take on new tasks and get away from monotony. You can enable them to have a more efficient work process, especially with tasks and activities that will reveal their innovative aspects.
It is also possible to reward your employees to show that you care about their innovative ideas. It will be very advantageous for both your business and your employees to provide support that will contribute to their savings with corporate gifts.
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