The Art of Customer Satisfaction: Unlocking Organisational Commitment through Personality

The Art of Customer Satisfaction: Unlocking Organisational Commitment through Personality

With the rapid development of the digital age, advertising strategies are undergoing a significant transformation. Consumers are now going beyond traditional advertising methods to learn about products or services and to learn reliable reviews. At this point, it would not be an exaggeration to say that customer reviews form the basis of advertising. If we think about it, from booking a hotel holiday with our family to a simple lunch organisation, we need to know the past consumer experiences in the places we go.

In this context, it has become an important necessity for today's businesses to manage their human resources effectively in order to ensure their sustainability and to cope with other competitive organisations. Attitudes and behaviours of employees towards the organisation have an important role in terms of desired company reputation and customer loyalty, especially in service sector occupational groups where human element is intensive and requires continuous interaction with internal and external customers.

There are many factors that shape the attitudes and behaviours of employees and personality traits have an important place among these factors. Personality traits, which determine the way an individual interacts with the outside world, shape workplace relationships, co-operation, leadership style and overall job performance. Skills such as sensitivity towards co-workers, tendency to teamwork, coping with stress, which have a significant effect on personality traits, determine how employees behave in an organisational context.

Since our personality traits are unique to us just like our fingerprints, people who think or behave very differently from each other in organisations may have to work together and meet at the same point. At this point, the concept of organisational culture plays an important role in bringing all employees together. Organisational culture enables employees to understand the values, goals and expectations of the organisation and enables them to make evaluations such as ‘Am I in the right place?’ or ‘Is this job suitable for me?’ in order to see the big picture. According to the researches, if the perspectives of the employees on business life that they obtain according to their personality traits are compatible with the organisational culture, a suitable ground for organisational commitment is formed (Tanrıverdi, 2012).

What is Organisational Commitment?

In recent studies, organisational commitment has been examined through three dimensions; affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment. While continuance commitment consists of reasons such as the lack of more suitable alternatives or the concern of losing the financial opportunities provided by the employee, normative commitment is a sense of ethical responsibility arising from the employee's feeling of indebtedness to the organisation. Emotional commitment is defined as the strong bond of the individual to the organisation. This commitment includes a deep attachment, identification with the organisation, adoption of the goals and values of the organisation and even pride (Bergman, 2006). Emotional commitment is a necessity for the realisation of the expectations of the organisation as it increases the respect for the rules of the organisation and the adoption of its vision and mission

One of the biggest factors affecting the organisational commitment of employees is the compatible personality traits of the employee towards his/her profession. Of course, it is not possible for managers or leaders to completely change the personality traits of employees. However, understanding the personality traits of the employees ensures that the right choices and appropriate placements are made for the positions and organisational commitment is increased.


Bergman, M. E. (2006). The relationship between affective and normative commitment: review and research agenda. Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial, Occupational and Organizational Psychology and Behavior, 27(5), 645-663.

Tanrıverdi, H. (2012). Kişilik özelliklerinin iş değerlerine ve örgütsel bağlılık üzerine etkisi: hastane çalışanları üzerinde bir araştırma. Türkiye Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 16, (2), 189-210

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